About Ayurveda – Science of Life

Ayurveda is a comprehensive system of holistic health care that originated in India several thousand years ago. Even though the earliest literary references to Ayurveda as a medical science are datable to only around 200 BC, many of the fundamental healing principles, which Ayurveda is based upon, had already been mentioned much earlier in various sacred texts of ancient India.

What’s the meaning of Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is derived from two Sanskrit words: “ayus” meaning life and “vid” meaning knowledge. The “science of life”, Ayurveda, is as much concerned with enhancing the quality of life and the prevention of ill-health as it is with treatment of disease.

Methods if Ayurveda

The eight branches of Ayurveda cover the whole physical, mental and spiritual understanding of the creation within a single consistent system. Ayurveda’s holistic spectrum makes use of diverse therapies and associated sciences which include remedies, body work, psychology, dietetics, yoga, architecture, mantra and music therapy, astrology and gemology.

Image of man in Ayurveda

The underlying philosophy of Ayurveda is to treat each individual as a unique being and to facilitate the return to a normal balance from an abnormal balance of health.

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